The marriage proposal

While her condition was something she can't even explain she wanted to go underground in embarrassment, she stared at him in fear and shock while he just smirked at her.....

Abhimanyu pov*

I came downstairs to receive the guest, I went to dadi sa but when I saw a girl approaching her I stood behind her and let her complete somehow, she seemed familiar to me but I shrugged off the thought. She grabbed my attention with the gift and the thought of designing the dress for dadi sa, I felt proud of my dadi sa. Her voice seem familiar but I didn't thought much as I was excited to see the face of the girl, who is so thoughtful not knowing it's the same whom I'm hating since yesterday, I smirked in victory when I got to know that she doesn't know about the king as I'll get chance to get the best view ever, her face when she'll get to know who I actually I'm and as expected she didn't disappointed me with her expression, I wanted to laugh on her face so hard but my dignity and character were stopping me from doing that and the fear on her face not gonna lie "yeh dar pasand aya mujhe" (I liked this fear) .

Siya's pov

I never knew that oneday I'll be in this big trouble, as I'm not surprised of problems but this is something I need to worry, disrespecting the king would last thing in my life to do that. Suddenly I imagined myself in his cruel lock up my hands are tied with chains and I'm looking like a pig, people are laughing at me, I shook my head to get out from my weird imagination. When I saw the smirk on his face I knew I fucked up badly and there is no going back better to apologize, for my mistakes but I haven't done something which is wrong it was him who misbehaved with me but who cares siya your first priority should be save yourself from this mannerless king otherwise it won't be good for you, he is powerful my consiences told me and I kind agreed with her.

Author's pov*

Her thoughts inturuppted when his family burst out of laughing while she just smiled awkwardly, and family was tensed because of her behavior but somewhere they got relieved seeing his family took it in a fun but our siya is still in diellma what to do when her mom approched her and said somethingĀ  in her ear

" Listen beta I don't know what was the reason for your behavior but you should not disrespect the king, I'll appreciate it if you apologize " She said in low tone and siya nodded in agreement.

She approached Abhimanyu while fidgeting her finger as she is hell nervous now she don't know what will be his next step cause he seems scary and she was just praying that he letĀ  go her mistake one more time. While Abhimanyu was smirking in victory but the next moment his smirk dropped while listening to her and once again he doubted his existence.

" Raja sa I'm sorry for disrespecting you but I'm not sorry when I said you were wrong cause yes you were, you shouldn't have drove in wrong lane with more than the speed limit as it was crowded place anything would've happened but I also understand you were chasing something important but that doesn't make you right but still despite of all the things I said I shouldn't have disrespected you cause you're the king and I'm only sorry for the things which was actually wrong talking in wrong tone and disrespecting you" She said and saw in his eyes she can sense the anger.

His jaw clenched making her afraid of him she immediately down her gaze but his piercing gaze which is tearing her soul was not happy with her statement. well, his gaze moved away from her when his mom approched her making him sigh in frustration.

"Abhimanyu she is our guest you shouldn't behave with her like that and she already said sorry , she is just a child you should not scare her like that" Said meera and rubbed siya's back while abhimanyu chuckled

" Mom from which angle she looks like child

Look at her she is fully grown up women just because she has height of child you shouldn't assume her as child" Said Abhimanyu in sarcastic tone clearly making fun of her height and went to meet the guest.

While siya glared at him with pout and thought in her mind " I was not wrong though he is mannerless look at this pole making fun of my height, what's my mistake if your height is abnormal, huh clearly jealous of my height" She pouted in anger but she came out of her thoughts when meera said to her daughters to give her the tour of the raj mahal and in no time two girls dragged her with them and started showing the palace.


"Hii I'm prisha "

"And I'm neha" They introduced herself exicitedly.

" Hii nice to meet you, I'm siya " said siya and gave a tight liped smile clearly hesitant because of previous incident.

" Ohho siya don't we are not angry with you in fact we are shocked that there is someone who can talk without hesitation to the king which nobody cares to do that even they're right but you did so don't worry you've our respect " Said prisha and I just smiled at her.

"Ohk let us show you around" Said neha and they both dragged me with her.

Meera and shanti were talking when meenakshi approached shanti and said

" Your daughter is really brave and thoughtful shanti, I can say you raised he well, she knows how to choose words I really liked her" Said meenakshi while meera smiled completely agreeing with meenakshi.

"Thank you Rajmata but it's just what she is and I'm proud of her she always gives us the reason to be proud but stillĀ  I'm sorry for her behavior with raja sa" Said shanti not wanting to invite problems for her daughter.

" Well if you're saying sorry, then don't because I want something from you and Amar and I hope you guys won't dissapoint me" Said meenakshi while shanti shook her head.

" Meera I want you, ranveer shanti and Amar in my room I really need to discuss something, come fast don't be late" Said meenakshi and headed towards her room.


Siya was roaming around the palace lost in the beauty of raj mahal while prisha and neha were showing her around, but she was in thoughts wheather to ask this or not but ended up opening her mouth...

" This mahal is so big are you guys sure you don't get lost in it " Asked siya in amusement as this mahal was giving her the vube of the bhul bhulaiya, while prisha and neha just chuckled on her question.

" No we don't get lost cause we are familiar to the place it happens when you enter first don't worry" They said as I nodded but got embaressed when my stomach growling I shut my eyes in embarresement while they both giggled and picnhed my cheek.

" Aww siya di you're so cute let's eat the food we are hungry too" Said prisha and we moved towards the buffet area, as I was looking for mom and dad as they were not here,i saw rahul and akash bhai talking with some men I was lost in my thoughts, when my eyes got locked with the person whom I really don't want to he looked at me clenching his jaw while I broke the eye contact in the fear and moved to the table to have food.


Meenakshi's room

" Yes maa you wanted to talk about something, " Asked ranveer while meenakshi nodded in agreement.

"Arun will it be too much too ask for if I say I want your daughter's hand for my Abhimanyu" Said meenakshi while shanti and arun looked each other in shock.

They were too stunned to speak a single thing as this would be the last thing they would've been expected in this talk, they didn't saw it coming, their trails of thought stopped when they heard meera and ranveer's talk.

"Maa how can you know us so perfect maa, I always wanted siya to be our daughter-in-law, I always wanted to turn our friendship into a family and I'm so happy you said that, I'll be more than happy if they accept this proposal" Said ranveer.

" Yes maa we are happy I know siya will be perfect for our Abhimanyu and shanti don't I will keep her like my own daughter " Said meera.

" But Rajmata few minutes ago you saw their hatred for each other they clearly don't like each other, how we are gonna convience them, and more than will it be a wise choice to tie them in a relationship when they both don't want it " Said shanti worriedly.

" You just make siya agree to this marriage and rest of them leave on me I know how to handle Abhimanyu and don't worry about siya if anyone tries to mess with her they have to face meenakshi singh Rahtore first , I can assure you that" Said meenakshi

" But Rajmata we are commoner and how can she beacome a queen " Asked Arun

" Did you really forgot you're minister in kingdom and more than that you're best friend of my son, you can never be commoner and about queen siya has all the qualities of being a queen that's why I chose her" Said meenakshi.

"But Rajmata my siya is child now, she is too young to get married" Said Arun worriedly.

" Children's will be always child for parents, no matter how big they become and if I'm not wrong siya is already 23 most probably going to be 24 in two months this is perfect age for her to get married and this is high time jodhpur needa a queen this king is too cruel to have mercy he needs someone who make him understand importance of love " Said meenakshi.

" But rajmata my diya has different goals she wanted to do job and live her life by following her passion I can't snacth her dream " Said Arun joining his hand while shanti rubbed his back.

" And qho is snatching her dream she can live the way she want she can do whatever she want we don't have restriction, in fact it will be a good examples for the who don't let the women's work outside, they'll change their mind once they saw even queen works for dream so why not they can" Said meenakshi

While Arun sighed in relief "then i don't find anything wrong in this I'll talk to siya" Said Arun while she nodded.

Both Arun ranveer hugged each other so does meera and shanti they all moved outside to buffet area, Abhimanyu noticed them all together he smelled something weird but eventually shrugged off, while siya approched her mom when she saw her coming near buffet,

"MomĀ  dad where were you I was worried" Said siya in concerned tone.

" Relax we were with rajmata we'd some work " Said shanti and they moved towards the table and ate dinner while siya was continuosly stealing glances at abhimanyu, and so does abhimanyu .

Siya was taking glances as she found Abhimanyu attaractive, the way he carried himself, the way he talks ,the aura he carried everything in him shout that he is a king as I wonder how do I failed to notice that well I was too angry to notice but not gonna lie he is handsome, she immediately shook her head "no no siya what are you thinking he is the man who wasted your prasad and shouted at you" She said to herself, while abhimanyu stared her as he was witnessing a real mental patient.

" Is she ok why she is acting weird I mean maybe she has medical problem, otherwise why would she talk to her and shook her head like manic" He thought to himself and gave her a judgemental look before duverting his attention from her.


Soon they were done, and decided to leaveĀ  they bid goodbye to his family, neha and prisha hugged siya and she equally responded with same energy, then she went to touch the feets of meera, puja, and meenakshi they gave her blessings she moved to ranveer and rajveer to touch their feet, ranveer held her hand and hugged her and patted her head saying " Daughters don't touch the feets they has place in heart" While she gave him a sweet smile.

But on the other side someone was hella confused and it was none other than our Abhimanyu " When did she became his daughter " His thoughts inturuppted when prisha kicked him on his leg that's when he realized his thoughts were too loud.

Siya glared at him, "just a moment ago I decided to like him but this man is so desperate to be in my hit list, I swear if he was not the king I would probably have been in jail, for murder case" She said to herself while rahul just caressed her head to ease her mind as he know her sister and probably the thing to which she is thinking so deeply.

She gave him weird look and sat in her car while abhimanyu scoffed and moved in his house.

The next morning

Siya was coughing badly as her brother was continuously rubbing her back to ease her state, cause few moments ago her parents gave her a shock which is the cause of her state, after few minutes she got ease she started shouting.

" How can you do this to me mom, do I mean nothing to you guys without asking me you said yes to the marriage and even to the person whom I hate the most, like really that mannerless king, not gonna happen mom you call now say no to this marriage I'm not going to marry him that's for sure" She said.

" There is no point of asking bacche we can't deny to Rathores they're royals more than that they've done so many things for us and they want you to be their daughter-in-law you saw them yesterday they were so good with you, they liked you" Said shanti.

"But mom I've to spend my whole life with that jerk and no matter how much they love me or not at the end of the day it would be abhimanyu who will matter to me the most" She said as she realized this is the first time she is taking his name.

" We can't deny king siya you've to understand this it would be good for you if you understand this earlier we all would be in trouble for denying the king nothing would be like earlier we will be embarrassed in front of king, raja mata and my one and only best friend " Said his father as this was so hard for him to behave tough for his daughter but he was compelled to do that.

" I don't know whatever the consequences will be I'm not gonna marry him " Said siya she took her bag and left for office.

While Arun just rubbed his forehead in frustration while shanti patted his back as they both were tensed when rahul spoke.

" Dad let's just say no to this marriage as we can't force her, when we never did something against her will they how can we force her to accept such a big decision. While Arun nodded in agreement.

" Let's just wait for two more days if she can change her mind and if she didn't I'll talk to ranveer" Said Arun and went in his room.


Abhimanyu growled in anger when he got to know about the marriage proposal, he immediately approached his dadi sa for answer.

" Dadi sa how could you do something like this even without asking me " Abhimanyu asked furiously as everyone got scared as they know his anger but rajmata stood still on her ground as she has experience of this anger, he got this anger from his dada sa and for dadi sa it's easy to handle his anger.

" Well this proposal was send by Rajmata to joshi's not your dadi sa so have some, manners while talking to me" She said in stern voice while abhimanyu sighed frustatingly.

" Then with which right you took the decision on behalf of king rajmata don't you know it's one of the biggest crime" Abhimanyu said while gritting his teeth.

" Aa long as I remember yesterday king made a promise to me that he'll fulfill my wish I didn't know that king of jodhpur is not able to keep his promise, whatever the answer is I took this decision because you promised me and now it doesn't matter whether you want it or not you've to fulfill your promise " Said meenakshi while everyone in the room gasped as she took all control in her hand, then it hitted everyone's head that she was planning this from a long time while abhimanyu got no way to deny this marriage as he knew he can't break his own promise.

" I can't believe rajmata you used my love and respect in this way, you're forcing two people who don't want to see each other, but I am sure the day will come when you regret this decision" Said abhimanyu and left not before breaking the vase on side table in anger.

While rajmata just chuckled at his behavior, which was really similar to his dada sa " And I promise the day will come when these two people will not be able to live for a minute without each other" Said meenakshi.


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I am Tara, the prittiest one ā­ šŸ©· If you've any issues kindly mail me on tarawrts@gmail.com Or connect me with insta @tara_wrts