
After 10 minutes I got his call and what he said made me hella shocked.

" Mam he is laksya kapoor, heir of kapoor industries, that's all is present in public domain, he is secrative and for detailed information I need time " He said while I understood his situation it's not possible to do all in a night.

" Alright, take your time but I need an update after 2 days I don't have time " I said while he hummed in response.

God why this man is secrative, seems like he is on mission, god I've seen him somewhere but where I don't know, he looks familiar.

I again started overthinking, then felt itching near my breast.

Oh god I don't know where is my bra and this one is so uncomfortable I need to fine something comfortable, thinking I moved to the closet and started exploring my lingere section.


Huffff... Finally after long day I'll able to sleep peacefully, thinking I moved to wardrobe and pulled a t shirt and sweatpant, I saw the black lacy bra of my siya, well I kept it secretly when she was not home, this is the only way of surviving without her cuddles.

I changed into comfy clothes layed on bed with her bra, I am really missing her a lot but seems like she is fine without me, she don't even call, she talk only when I call her. Well I know she is tense these days, she just joined office and something is bothering her too, she didn't told me but I am her husband of course I'll have an idea, I asked her many times but she deinied saying it's just she is tired. I don't want to force her I'll wait till she feels ok to share it with me.

I'm working day and night just to complete my work early and I am kinda successful in that, I'll head home at night tomorrow.

2 days later

" Prisha baccha please try to understand don't go today please " Said siya.

" This is enough bhabhi I know you're doing this just to keep me away from my love" Said prisha angrily.

"Why would I do that prisha, you're like my sister" Said siya

" Ofcourse you're jealous and this failed attempt of being a good bahu but please keep me out of your drama" Sai prisha while gritting her teeth.

" But the prisha club with him at night is not safe and there is still one day after that you can go" Siya pleaded prisha but she has no effect.

" Mrs. Siya kashyap, stay out of this matter" Said prisha crossing her arms.

" Prisha please just today, I promise I'll never interfere" Said siya while joining her hand and prisha somehow agreed.

" Fine, just today now leave my room, I am disgusted with your presence, you're an awful woman who don't want anybody to be happy " Said prisha unaware of the depth of the pain was causing siya.

She smiled weakily and moved out of the room.

Just prisha was about to close the door when her bua stood in front of her, "are you really going to trust that cunning women" Said bua.

"She is asking for a day, I think I should agree with that anyways she don't have any proof against lakshya I know her very well " Said prisha.

" Still you'll put your relationship at stake just for that women" Said bua with a frown.

" I think you're right I should go there but, don't tell anyone I'll come on time" Said prisha with pleading eyes.

" Don't worry child I care for your happiness, it's just that siya who is creating rift in our family" Said bua while prisha nodded in agreement.

After few minutes she got ready and sneak out from the house she stood outside when a SUV came, she immediately got in as it was lakshya they both hugged while she kissed his lips.

" Baby I missed you" Said lakshya

" I missed you too, that bhabhi of mine got no chill she was behind me all day finally I got chance to sneak out" She said while lakshya chuckled.

" Such a hitler bhabhi you've " Said lakshya.

"Worse than that" She said while they laughed and moved forward.




While in the room siya was continuosly, dialing Abhi but his phone was unreachable.

" Oh god what do I do, but atleast she is home I'll talk to mihir tomorrow " She thought decided to clean her closet.

After 2 hours

She cleaned her closet when she saw the time it was late, " Shit it's late I should give food to prisha" Saying she move out of the room and went to the kithchen to get food for prisha.

" I know she is angry and she won't eat, I should give her food" Saying herself she mived to her room but when she saw it's empty the plate fell from her hands fear ran in her veins.

Siya's pov*

I ran towards my room and grabbed my phone, I immediately called prisha but her phone was unreachable, I tried again and again but got no response tears stremed down on my cheeks, I ran in the whole palce thinking she might be here but I got her no trace, I immediately called aryan he picked up immediately I didn't gave him a chance and spoke,

" I want you to trace prisha's number right now" I said while he understand the gravity of the situation and responded positively.

I was running when I bumped in mihir, I was about to fall when he held me, " Bhabhi what happened why are you crying and why are you running " He asked with concern.

" Mihir... Mihir... Mihir prisha prisha is not home" I said as my voice was trembling.

" Relax bhabhi she must be out with her friends " He said lightly chuckling while anger ran in my veins.

I held his collar, " ARE YOU DEAF, I'M SAYING PRISHA IS NOT HOME FIND HER" I yelled at the top of my lungs while he understood the situation, but till then everyone from family was standing with curious gaze my eyes moved to bua who was smirking, anger rushed in my veins I moved to her and held tightly from shoulder.

"Bua just tell me where she is? You can scold me or do anything all you want but don't play with prisha" I said but she jerked me off causing me to fall on ground but before I touch the ground someone held me from my shoulder, I saw it was Abhi.

I stood up immediately, " Abhi.. Abhi prisha is not home, please find her, she is with him" I said while he frowned.

" What, with whom and calm down she must be fine" He said.

"WHY ARE YOU NOT UNDERSTANDING SHE IS NOT HOME, SHE IS WITH HIM , SHE IS NOT SAFE" I yelled at the top of my lung causing me to cough.

" Look at this mean lady, she knew all these things and now showing her care, if you cared why didn't you tell us before she is going with some boy and she is meeting some boy with excuse of college" Said bua deliberately.

" Will somebody tell us what's going on " Said rajveer

"Wait a minute dad" Said abhimanyu in a stern voice.

" Siya you knew all about this yes or no" He asked while his eyes was redin anger.

" Abhi I thought... " He cut me off

" YES OR NO" he shouted making me flich

" Y.. Ye.. Yes" I said as I was really afraid of him right now.

He pushed me, " I never thought you would be like this siya, I regret my decision to be good to you, girls like you are attention seeker , I hate the fact that I fell in your trap, bloody hell" Saying he turned back while tears stream down my eyes I couldn't believe my abhimanyu is speaking this sick about me.

Author's pov

Abhimanyu called Aryan immediately, while he picked up in a ring, " Aryan I need prisha's location hurry up" He ordered in a cold and stern tone with hint of concern.

" Sir, I already did she is in bliss club" He said while he hung the call immediately.

" Mihir come fast" Ordered abhimanyu while they both ran and sat in the car...

Abhimanyu drove the car at full speed, his face was red with anger he ready to burn this world for his beloved sister...

The car ran through the streets while, his face was dripping anger, he immediately called the security head.

" I need a backup in 5 minutes at the location I am about to reach there in 5 minutes " He growled in anger while the person on the phone replied positively.

He hung the call and again drove at full speed and after five minutes he reached the location.

The backup reached immediately, he took out his pistol, " I will be heading first and you guys will come inside at my lead.

Saying he entered the the club but there was no trace of prisha, somehow he got the courage to check the rooms, he started searching it one by one at when he opened the door scene in front of him made him shocked he was too stunned to react...

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