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“ Kitten being very disobedient to her master, first you let someone touch you then you question your master, seems like you forget what I said yesterday or you really need a punishment” He said in a deep husky voice while roaming the knife against my skin but this time it was not hurting, it was more of arousing my senses. He was moving the knife sensually to my body and I was not able to control my emotion.

My heart was saying to jerk him off and my brain was saying to not as he can stab me any moment but my inner self was wanting more of it. It was reacting to his touch. Before I could control my feeling he licked my earlobe, It felt so dirty and arousing as well, wetness pooled between my legs. I tried clenching my thighs together but before I could do it, he put his leg in between and his knees did a perfect job in arousing me more. He licked my lips and I closed my eyes at the immense pleasure. For a moment I forget he is a freak who is using me, I got my senses back and pushed him with all my strength but he didn't even bulge.

In fact his eyes turned darker, suddenly I felt myself in the air as he threw me on his shoulder smoothly while I attacked his back with my small fist. He made me settle on the cabinet and caged me between his arms, I didn't dare to look into his eyes. My eyes popped out when he held the knife straight, I closed my eyes in fear.

I opened my eyes when I felt movement in my lower abdomen. My heart started beating fastly he tore my sweatpant with the knife and left me in panty. I was feeling embarrassed, pressing my knees together but held my thighs and stood in between.

“Please leave me, please I beg you” I pleaded to him as it was becoming difficult for me to hold as he was continuously caressing my folds with his fingers. He moved the knife to the side of my waist and tore the lace of my panties leaving me naked in front of him. I tried to hide my naked self with my hand but he held both of my hands in his hands while the other one was holding the knife. He looked at me darkly.

He held the edge of the knife and his palms started bleeding. I was shocked at his madness, he didn't even hissed a bit. In fact he was enjoying my horrific expression.

He started caressing my folds with the butt of the knife. It gave me a chill to my spine.

“ What did I tell you yesterday, kitten?” he said in a deep husky voice, while I was scared of his next action.

“ To n.. not d.. di. sobey you” I said in fear, right now I was just thinking to escape from his torture

And answering him seemed the best idea.

“ What did you do?” He asked while pointing the butt of the knife on my clitoris and started moving it in a circle.

“ I d.. di.. obeyed you” I said and before I could complete he entered the butt of the knife in my womanhood, I couldn't help but moan in pleasure.

He started penetrating the knife and my mind went in a haze, I forgot that I had to save myself from this freak. My body went into a state of pleasure. The butt of the knife glided into my skin making me feel, heaven. His hands were bleeding as he was holding the edge of the knife but there was no sign of discomfort or pain on his face. He started penetrating fastly, he increased the speed. I held him from his shoulder and his other hands grabbed my waist. I felt a knot building in my stomach, indicating I was close to the climax.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh” I moaned in pleasure when he hit my g- spot. he increased his pace.

“ What do I tell you if you disobey your master?” He asked me again. My body was shivering with pleasure, I couldn't form a word due to pleasure, he pinched me on my waist, signalling me to answer him while I cried in pain.

“ That you will p.. Pu.. punish me” I said, and felt wetness pooling down my thighs, spilling over the knife. He licked the knife and threw it somewhere in the kitchen and kept his finger near my womanhood, and took it to his mouth and licked the cum along with his blood. I closed my eyes taking a long breath and opened it once I was calmed but I was shocked when I didn't find him around.

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